To impart specialized multifaceted training to national and multinational military, police and civilian participants on peace operations in accordance with current international standards through research, education and professional programmes.


To promote global peace and security as an international Centre of Excellence.


BIPSOT Commandant & His Team



Maj Gen A S M Bahauddin, sup, spp, ndc, afwc, psc, G

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Brig Gen Md Sadequzzaman, ndc, afwc,psc, M Phil

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 Brig Gen A M M Khairul Kabir, BGBM, BGBMS, BGOM, psc, ndc

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Col Mohammad Nazmul Haque, SPP, afwc, psc

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Instr Cl-A

Lt Col Shah Zulfikar Ali, afwc, psc, Arty

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GSO-1 Trg

Lt Col Sheikh Md Murad Hossain, psc, AC

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Lt Col Saimoon Naher, afwc, psc, ASC

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Instr Cl-A

Lt Col Md Mustafizur Rahman Bhuiyan, psc, Sigs

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Instr Cl-A

Lt Col Nadia Sarwar, AEC

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Instr Cl-A

Lt Col Md Rashed-Ul-Alam, psc, G, Arty

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Instr Cl-A

Lt Col Md Afzal Hossain, psc, Engrs

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Instr Cl-A

Lt Col Md Ziaur Rahman, psc, G, Arty

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 Instr Cl-A

Lt Col Nilufar Sultana, psc, Arty

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Instr Cl-A

BA-6961 Lt Col Md Rounak Imtiaz Khan, psc, Inf 



Instr Cl-A

Cdr B M Nur Mohammad, (C), PPM, BN

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Instr Cl-B

Maj Smreeti Datta, Arty

Instr Cl-B

Maj Md Saiful Islam, AEC

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Instr Cl-B




Maj Mohammad Ruhul Ambia Remon, Sigs

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Instr Cl-B
Act (P&C)

Sqn Ldr Mohammad Mezanur Rahman, ADWC, BAF

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GSO-2 (TS)

Maj Miraj Ahmed Bhuiyan, Inf

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Maj Emrul Hasan, GL, Inf


GSO-2 (Coord)

Maj Md Sayem Prodhan, Engrs (att)


Instr Cl-B

Maj Nishan-E-Jannatul Nayeem, Arty (att)